
Since 2001, we have had the opportunity to develop a number of websites for a wide range of clients. For some, we have redesigned their websites several times over the years, as needs and styles change. Below are some featured websites we have designed. Stay tuned; there's more to be added to this list very soon!

Take a look through these websites; you'll find ideas on designs we have done, as well as a variety of different features we have integrated. Each of these designs have been customized to fit the special needs of the client.

We'd like to sit down with you and talk about how we can help get you up on the web in a way that best reflects your unique personality, business or organization. We'll be happy to work with you and come up with a solution that meets your needs!

Arctic Blaster
Arctic Blaster

 The Voice of the Martyrs Canada
The Voice of the Martyrs Canada
Rouind Lake Lawn Care Services
Round Lake Lawn Care Services

Inscape & Flight (Karen & Phil Rispin)
Inscape & Flight
(Karen and Phil Rispin)
Rebecca C Penner, CPA, CGA
Western Buy Sell Trade
AT Catalyst
CampN RV
Sterling Toews Finishing
Straight Flush Rentals
Straight Flush Rentals


affca.ca - PHP Content Management website
atcatalyst.org - Joomla website with extensive videos, articles and links
bethelemc.org - PHP Content Management website, updated by staff
castoremc.com - PHP Content Management website, updated by staff
didsburygolf.ca - PHP Content Management website, updated by members
didsburyhelps.com - PHP Content Management website with regular updates
internationalchristianassociation.org - portal website for affliated international organizations
kentwoodalliance.ca - Update template for WordPress website
lonepineagsociety.ca - PHP Content Management website managed by client
mvemc.com - PHP Content Management website with embedded calendar, map, maintained by us.
nwmc.ca - PHP Content Management website, updated by NWMC staff.
oldscommunitychorus.com - PHP Content Management website, including video and audio. Members-only section with audio tracks
rosebudhealth.ca - PHP Content Management website.
salemmennonite.ca - PHP Content Management website with calendar
steadfastglobal.org - PHP Content Management website, managed by Steadfast Global staff.
uvma.ca - PHP Content Management website with custom membership section, managed by UVMA staffshiel
vomcanada.com - PHP Content Management website with extensive extras, embedded video, online donations & purchases and thousands of news articles.
zionbaptist.net - PHP Content Management website, managed by staff.


altamixconcrete.com - PHP Content Management website with image scroller and contact form
arcticblaster.com - Joomla Website
campnrv.ca - Joomla website managed by owner.
cowboyseptic.com - WordPress website with custom menu links.
 - PHP Content Management website with online payment, managed by us.
didsburyministorage.com - PHP Content Management website with online payment, managed by us.
dreamteamprinting.com - Client-managed Joomla Website
enforcementtrainingacademy.com - PHP Content Management website, converted from original design.
frontporchrealty.ca - PHP Content Management website, with occasional updates by us.
hawkridgeinc.com - Basic HTML website.
johnmills.ca - PHP Content Management website
karenrispin.com - PHP Content Management website
klassickennels.com - PHP Content Management website with integration with Facebook images
littlepieceofheavenfjords.ca - PHP Content Management website, managed by owner.
matterhornforest.com - PHP Content Management website with photo albums.
pasu.com - Information & online purchases designed in WordPress.
rcpenner.com - Information website designed in Joomla.
roundlakelawn.ca - Information website designed in Joomla.
sherksrvpark.com - Joomla website with custom designed header. Managed by owner.
sterlingtoewsfinishing.com - PHP Content Management website.
straightflushrentals.com - PHP Content Management website.
sundialenviro.com - PHP Content Management website with photo gallery and updates by us.
tanasconcrete.com - PHP Content Management website with extensive customizations and extra features
westerdalefarms.com - PHP Content Management website, updated by us
westernbuyselltrade.com - PHP Content Management website
wolfiespetresort.ca - PHP Content Management website.